
19th Memorial Hole Signs

The MFCA Annual Spring Golf Tournament will be held on April 12th at the Oakmont Green Golf Course in Hampstead, MD, and once again as part of the tournament the MFCA has created the 19th Memorial Hole, named in memory of  Chief James P. Seavey & Deputy Fire Marshal Sander Cohen. The hole was first started in 2017  to enable departments to honor Chief Officers that had passed. It has grown to allow  departments the opportunity  to honor any of your members or family regardless of their rank that have passed. Please consider adding a sign for someone you have lost to ensure that we never forget. The initial cost is still just $125. The signs are 24′ x 18′ and can include the picture of the deceased & the department name /logo. We can also give you a price for larger signs as well.

Please fill out the hydrant sign information and send it to to get your sign made. The last day to submit for a memorial sign is April 5th. Please feel free to call Chief Hugh Owens or Chief Joseph Chornock with any questions or concerns.